Windows Phone 7 Jump Start Training

August 19, 2010 Comments off

New training from the Windows Phone 7 MVPs. Check it out at the Windows Phone Developer Blog…

Windows Phone 7 Jump Start Training

Today we are publishing the first in our training content led by our MVPs.  Rob Miles and Andy Wigley led an incredibly well received live training course about a month ago, focused on getting developers trained up on building amazing applications and games for Windows Phone 7.

We recognize that providing as much technical content as we can for the full range of developers is what developers deserve. While we plan on having more live training sessions in the coming weeks and months, we are also committed to making that content available as quickly as possible to as many developers as possible. Since this round of content is based on Beta Windows Phone Developer Tools, we will not be localizing it.  For our non-English speaking developers, we will be providing localized training once we have released the final developer tools.

Andy and Rob provide a good bit of humor along with their incredible depth of knowledge on the topic of building apps and games for Windows Phone 7. We think they have covered a fair amount ground, but if there are topics you feel we need to cover more in depth, don’t hesitate to let us know.

There are 12 sessions in total, each about :50 minutes in length. Think of this as a semester’s worth of class time to help you in your quest to be an awesome Windows Phone 7 developer. It’s self-paced, and both Rob and Andy are pretty approachable. Head on over to their blogs if you want to get more plugged into what they are doing.

Windows Azure One Month Pass

August 11, 2010 Comments off

If you’re looking to check out Azure development without a commitment, this program will give you access to Azure without a credit card for a month.

Windows Azure One Month Pass
Windows Azure One Month Pass
•Learn about the Windows Azure platform with no steep learning curve
•With Windows Azure you pay only for what you use, scale up when you need capacity and pull back when you don’t. We’re offering a Windows Azure One Month Pass*, so you can put Windows Azure and SQL Azure through their paces. No Credit Card Required.

Lots of resources on the page also. I’ve added them below for convenience.

Use the pass with the online training below to learn more about Windows Azure:

Get the Tools

Dig Deeper into Windows Azure

Categories: Uncategorized

Windows Phone 7 Development Steps

August 9, 2010 Comments off

Joe Healy has a great post up with some instructions for getting started with Windows Phone 7 development. Well worth a bookmark:

7 Steps to Get You Going on Windows Phone 7 Dev
Posted on 8/9/2010 2:34:05 PM

Windows Phone 7 is hot right now, and I’m getting a ton of Qs on how to get started. Many different ways you could approach present themselves, but what’s the best? Actually, I don’t know but here’s DevFish’s Top 7 Steps to Windows Phone 7 Development

  1. INSTALL THE DEVTOOLS – easy enough. Click once on the installer and down come all the goodies, including Expression Blend for WP7 and VS2010 Express for WP7. Click on "Download the Developer Tools" here , and while you’re at it, explore some of the other links
  2. WORK THROUGH THE TRAINING KIT – The WP7 Training Kit is a fine piece of work (if you’re like me and love Hands On Labs to plod through at your own pace). Seven Hands-On-Labs covering basics, navigation, controls, push notifications, game dev with XNA, launchers, tombstoning, and more.  Download from here .
  3. READ PETZOLDs FREE EBOOK – Over 11 Chapters (and growing) of top notch "petzold-level-content" with source code even – Charles, I promise I’m buying a copy when it comes out – well worth downloading and printing (pine trees are a renewable resource) – find it here .

Read the rest on

Categories: Uncategorized

Ignite ATL on April 19th

April 15, 2010 Comments off
Just a quick note… Ignite Atlanta is going on on Monday, April 19th and Microsoft BizSpark is a sponsor. Check out the video below. You can sign up here. You can get more info about Ignite Atlanta at
Categories: Uncategorized

Is Azure Right for my Business?

January 29, 2010 Comments off

I also posted this to my work blog, but if you don’t read that you can check the link below.

Free Live Meeting on February 25. Check out the link for details and to register. Should be a good event.

CSD24CAL: Is Azure Right for my Business?

Microsoft Partners are cordially invited to attend an online Live Meeting briefing to hear new insights and points-of-views from well-known industry experts and leading edge partner companies on what the Windows Azure opportunity means for your organization. We will demonstrate how you will be able to change the face of your business and introduce new revenue streams for building solutions for our customers.

Microsoft in the Cloud

January 18, 2010 Comments off

The Microsoft in the Cloud events are coming to cities in the US East Coast in February and March. Stops include Washington DC, Atlanta, New York, Charlotte, and Boston. Check out the link below for details.

Microsoft in the Cloud

…For Today, Tomorrow and Beyond.

Are you evaluating cloud technologies and wondering where Microsoft fits in? Did you know that Microsoft has over 15 years of experience delivering services like Hotmail and more recently Xbox Live through the cloud to millions of users? Do you want to know more about what Microsoft’s annual investment in the cloud – a significant portion of its $9.5B R&D budget means to you and your company?

Companies everywhere are looking to leverage cloud technology to:

  • Drive greater efficiency in IT systems and cut costs out of IT infrastructure

  • Increase the scalability and agility of IT infrastructure

  • Reduce IT carbon footprints

  • Help developers respond more quickly to business requirements

  • Address lost productivity and user frustration with disconnected IT experiences

Join us to discover how Microsoft Cloud Computing enables organizations like yours:

  • Have the Flexibility of choosing whether your applications will run locally, in the cloud, or a combination of the two based on your business needs

  • Remain confident in the Security and availability of your data and services as you harness the efficiency, cost, and environmental benefits of the cloud

  • Maintain Control while increasing end-user satisfaction and productivity via the enablement of seamless experiences across the PC, Web, and phone.

Categories: Uncategorized

PhizzPop Design Challenge

January 14, 2010 Comments off

Looks like a great cause and a good opportunity to promote your web design house.  Check out the story and the links for details.

$50,000 PhizzPop Design Challenge: Agencies Called to Design New Web Site for Boys & Girls Clubs of America: Winning agency will also receive trip for two to 14th Annual Webby Awards in New York City; deadline for entries is Feb. 19, 2010.

NEW YORK — Jan. 11, 2010 — Microsoft Corp. and The Webby Awards today kicked off the Microsoft PhizzPop Boys & Girls Clubs of America Design Challenge, giving interactive design agencies of all sizes a chance to showcase their ingenuity and expertise to help Boys & Girls Clubs of America redesign its Web site for the new decade.

Microsoft and The Webby Awards selected Boys & Girls Clubs of America as the contest’s beneficiary because they believe a more powerful Web site combining the latest Microsoft tools and technologies with the latest design trends will help the 104-year-old organization better communicate its mission of helping all youth reach their full potential.

Three finalist teams will win travel and hotel accommodations to MIX10, Microsoft’s annual conference for Web designers and developers, in Las Vegas (March 15–17). At MIX, finalists will pitch their concepts live before a panel of judges from Microsoft, Boys & Girls Club of America and the International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences, which judges the Webby Awards.

Back from some time off

January 9, 2010 Comments off

img178I spent a really good winter vacation doing nothing. And by nothing, I mean nothing. I played games with the kids, went to some theme parks, and watched some movies, but for the most part I didn’t do any Twittering, Facebook posting, or anything in the social networking space. I did post pictures to my Flickr account, but that takes no effort and it’s stuff I want to look at in the future.

So now that I’m back this week, I’m thinking I want to get back into doing more blogging and social networking stuff.

To kick this off, I just want to list some of the stuff I’m going to blog about in the coming year.

  • Startups in the East. It’s my job, but it’s also my passion. I love finding companies that are building cool products. I’m going to find as many of these this year as I can and try to let as many people as I can know about the work they’re doing.
  • Web design firms in the East. That’s another work related topic, but I’m looking for WebsiteSpark companies that are building kick ass sites. If you know about some, let me know.
  • Motorcycles. Yeah, I need to make myself ride sometimes, but it changes my perspective on life. Some day I want to rewrite Moby Dick as a biker book. I think this is the passage that hits me. Replace sea with “get on a bike”, and my perspective changes.

Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people’s hats off- then, I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can.

  • Photography. I just need to do more. I love to take pictures of animals and my kids. I’ll post those to Flickr.
  • Gadgets. It’s been a while since I was an alpha gadget geek, but I may get back into it this year. We’ll see. I may go a little retro and just use software to resurrect some older tech for the fun of it. If I do that, I’ll write about it.
  • Writing. I need to write some more. It’s time I put a new book together. 2010 sounds like a nice round year for that. As I plan it, I may blog it. We’ll see.

That’s the short list, but it’s what I want to do and I want to get it out there. I didn’t really list my family stuff, simply because that’s just a given and I don’t need a list to tell me what I need to do there.

When I don’t feel like posting anything, I just don’t post. We used to apologize for not posting, but I don’t think that’s really necessary, because, as my good friend Kent says, “Nobody cares.” 🙂 

Have a great 2010!


Categories: Uncategorized

Microsoft Contributes Code to the Linux Kernel

July 20, 2009 3 comments

This is really something. I think it will be interesting to see how the community reacts.

Microsoft Contributes Code to the Linux Kernel | NicFill | Channel 9

Categories: Uncategorized

Windows 7 Managed Code APIs – Windows 7 for Developers

May 19, 2009 13 comments

Digging into this now. The download has a rich set of samples that demonstrate accessing the Windows 7 APIs from .NET applications very easily. Check out the blog entry for the details. You can get the samples and the source for the managed library here.

I’m speaking at the Space Coast .NET User Group tomorrow and I’ll be going over these samples as part of my talk. 

Windows 7 Managed Code APIs – Windows 7 for Developers – The Windows Blog

imageThe Windows SDK team built the Windows API Code Pack to provide easy access to Windows 7 features for .NET developers , lowering the bar for developers who want to target Windows 7 Client applications. Basically, it is the closest thing a .NET developer will have to managed code APIs for Windows 7.

The Windows API Code Pack (Code Pack) is much larger in terms of offered functionality and quality than its older brother, the Windows Vista Bridge. The Code Pack contains a wide variety of APIs, including very comprehensive Windows Shell namespace objects, Windows Taskbar, Libraries, and Windows 7 Extended Linguistic Services. The following is a short list of the APIs contained in the Windows API Code Pack:

  • Support for Windows Shell namespace objects, including:
    • Windows 7 libraries
    • Known Folders
    • Non-file system containers
  • Windows Vista and Windows 7 Task Dialogs
  • Support for Windows 7 Explorer Browser Control
  • Support for Shell property system
  • Windows 7 Taskbar
  • Support for Windows Vista and Windows 7 common file dialogs, including custom file dialog controls
  • Support for Direct3D 11.0 and DXGI 1.0/1.1 APIs
  • Sensor Platform APIs
  • Extended Linguistic Services APIs
  • Categories: Windows